Click this transport button to stop the current audio playback.
Click this transport button to begin playback of the frontmost audio document. Hold down command when pressing the playback transport button to begin playback from the insertion point, or hold down the option key when pressing this transport button
Click this transport button to Record a new audio document.
Turn loop on or off. This button may not be available if audio document has no loop.
Credits and Info on the Peak‚Ñ¢ application, it's version number, and installed options.
Show Peak‚Ñ¢ Online Help catalog.
The File Menu is for opening audio documents, creating audio documents, importing CD audio, importing dual mono files, saving, and quitting in the Peak‚Ñ¢ application.
Creates a new empty mono or stereo audio document.
Open an existing AIFF, Sound Designer II‚Ñ¢, QuickTime‚Ñ¢, Raw, .WAV, or System 7 Sound format audio document.
Opens an existing audio document. Not available right now because you are processing.
Closes the frontmost audio document.
Closes the frontmost audio document. Not available right now because Peak‚Ñ¢ is playing or processing or because there or no open audio documents.
Saves the frontmost audio document by rewriting the existing file. This operation is not undoable.
Saves the frontmost audio document by rewriting the existing file. This operation is not undoable. Not available right now because Peak™ is playing or processing or because there are no open audio documents.
Saves the frontmost audio document to a different file name by rewriting the existing file. This operation is not undoable.
Saves the frontmost audio document to a different file name by rewriting the existing file. This operation is not undoable. Not available right now because Peak™ is playing or processing or because there are no open audio documents.
Import audio from an audio CD. This operation brings audio directly over to your hard drive in digital form with no loss of quality.
Import audio from an audio CD. This operation brings audio directly over to your hard drive in digital form with no loss of quality. Not available right now because Peak™ is playing or processing.
Import two mono audio documents as a stereo document.
Import two mono audio documents as a stereo document. Not available right now because Peak‚Ñ¢ is processing.
Export a stereo audio document as two mono audio document.
Not available right now because Peak‚Ñ¢ is processing or the frontmost audio document is not stereo.
Export selected regions to separate files or windows, including sample rate conversion, file format conversion, and mono-stereo-mono conversion.
Export selected regions to separate files or windows, including sample rate conversion, file format conversion, and mono-stereo-mono conversion. Not available right now because Peak‚Ñ¢ is playing or processing, or there are no open audio documents or
Export playlist information to a text file.
Export playlist information to a text file. Not available right now because there is no playlist or else the playlist is not the frontmost document.
Configure the Peak batch processing feature.
Configure the Peak batch processing feature. The batch processor requires that you have an audio document open with a selection. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no selection made in an audio document.
Opens this audio document that was recently opened by Peak‚Ñ¢.
Opens this audio document that was recently opened by Peak™. Not available right now because Peak™ is processing.
Quits the Peak‚Ñ¢ application.
The Edit Menu is used to copy, paste, insert, and silence selections of audio in your audio documents. The Edit menu also allows you to create markers.
Undo the last action.
Undo the last action. Not available right now because there are no actions left to undo or else there are no open audio documents.
Redo the last undone action.
Redo the last undone action. Not available right now because there are no actions left to undo or else there are no open audio documents.
Show a list of all the edits that have been done to the selected audio document.
Show a list of all the edits that have been done to the selected audio document. Not available right now because there are no edits or else there are no open audio documents.
Cut places the selected audio onto the clipboard and then deletes the selected audio.
Cut places the selected audio onto the clipboard and then deletes the selected audio. Not available right now because there is no audio selected or else there are no open audio documents.
Copy places the selected audio onto the clipboard. Not available right now because there is no audio selected or else there are no open audio documents.
Copy places the selected audio onto the clipboard.
Paste clipboard contents into the selected audio document at the current insertion point. Paste replaces any selected audio in the audio document with the clipboard contents.
Paste clipboard contents into the selected audio document at the current insertion point. Paste replaces any selected audio in the audio document with the clipboard contents. Not available right now because there is nothing on the clipboard or else
Replace contents of selection in the curent audio document with the contents of the clipboard.
Replace contents of selection in the curent audio document with the contents of the clipboard. Not available right now because there is nothing on the clipboard or else there are no open audio documents.
Insert clipboard contents into the selected audio document at the current insertion point. Insert does not replace audio material like Paste.
Insert clipboard contents into the selected audio document at the current insertion point. Insert does not replace audio material like Paste. Not available right now because there is nothing on the clipboard or else there are no open audio document
Inserts silence into the selected audio document at the current insertion point.
Inserts silence into the selected audio document at the current insertion point. Not available right now because there is no audio document opened.
Silence modifies the audio document's selection so that it contains only silence.
Silence modifies the audio document's selection so that it contains only silence. Not available right now because there is no audio document opened.
Crop removes the all of the audio in the audio document except the selected audio.
Crop removes the all of the audio in the audio document except the selected audio. Not available right now because there is no audio selected or else there is no audio document opened.
Clear Clipboard releases the temporary file used by the clipboard contents, freeing disk space.
Clear Clipboard releases the temporary file used by the clipboard contents, freeing disk space. Not available right now because there is nothing on the clipboard.
Selects the entire audio document.
Selects the entire audio document. Not available right now because there is no audio document open.
Select Loop selects the audio between the audio document's loop pointers.
Select Loop selects the audio between the audio document's loop pointers. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no loop in the selected audio document.
Perform processing on audio selection using contents of clipboard.
Perform processing on audio selection using contents of clipboard. Not available right now because there is no audio selection or because there is nothing on the clipboard.
The Action Menu allows you to process selections of audio in your audio documents using Peak‚Ñ¢'s DSP processing or external plug-in effects. The action menu can also be used to create loops, select loops, and goto marker locations.
Record a new audio document direct to disk. You may need to configure the Sound Control Panel before using the Record operation.
Record a new audio document direct to disk. You may need to configure the Sound Control Panel before using the Record operation. Not available right now because Peak™ is processing.
Zoom In changes the current audio document's view to show more time and less detail. Peak can zoom down to single samples. Tip: To view the selected audio at a one sample per-pixel resolution press control-shift-left arrow or control-shift-right a
Zoom In changes the current audio document's view to show less time and less detail. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or Peak‚Ñ¢ cannot zoom in any further.
Zoom Out changes the current audio document's view to show more time and less detail. Peak can zoom out to view the entire audio document.
Zoom Out changes the current audio document's view to show more time and less detail. Peak can zoom out to view the entire audio document. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or Peak‚Ñ¢ cannot zoom out any further.
Fit Selection changes the current audio document's view to show the audio document's selection in it's entirety.
Fit Selection changes the current audio document's view to show the audio document's selection in it's entirety. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no selection in the selected audio document.
Zoom All The Way Out changes the current audio document's view to show the entire audio document.
Zoom All The Way Out changes the current audio document's view to show the entire audio document. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or Peak‚Ñ¢ is already showing the entire audio document.
Loop Selection changes the audio document's selection into a loop by creating loop markers with the selection.
Loop Selection changes the audio document's selection into a loop by creating loop markers with the selection. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no selection indicated.
Creates a new marker in the audio document at the insertion point. Markers can be used to mark specific points in the audio document or as loop points. Tip: You can create new markers during playback using the position of the current playback indi
Creates a new region in the audio document at the insertion point. Regions can be used to mark specific sections in the audio document.
Creates a new region in the audio document at the insertion point. Regions can be used to mark specific sections in the audio document. Not available right now because there are no audio documents open, or else there is no selection in the current
Shifts all markers in the current selection backwards or forwards in time.
Shifts all markers in the current selection backwards or forwards in time. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or because there is no selection in the current audio document.
The Loop Surfer‚Ñ¢ allows you to automatically create a perfect loop based on the tempo of the audio material.
The Loop Surfer‚Ñ¢ allows you to automatically create a perfect loop based on the tempo of the audio material. Not available right now because there is no audio document open.
The Drawing Speed Menu allows you to specify how much time Peak‚Ñ¢ spends drawing the waveform per cycle, affecting how responsive Peak‚Ñ¢ is to user actions. A Faster setting draws waveforms more quickly and a slower setting makes Peak‚Ñ¢ more responsive
Show the timeline, transport, and mouse position in Samples.
Show the timeline, transport, and mouse position in Seconds.
Show the timeline, transport, and mouse position in 30fps SMPTE units.
Show the timeline, transport, and mouse position in 29.97fps SMPTE units.
Show the timeline, transport, and mouse position in 25fps PAL units.
Show the timeline, transport, and mouse position in bars and beats units.
Creates a new mono audio document.
Creates a new mono audio document. Not available right now because Peak‚Ñ¢ is processing.
Creates a new stereo audio document.
Creates a new stereo audio document. Not available right now because Peak‚Ñ¢ is processing.
Creates a new playlist. Playlists are used to assemble regions for playback.
Creates a new playlist. Playlists are used to assemble regions for playback. Not available right now because audio is playing.
Creates a new audio document from the selected playlist events. You can even save the resulting audio document as a audio file to use in burning your own CD.
Creates a new audio document from the selected playlist events. You can even save the resulting audio document as a audio file to use in burning your own CD. Not available right now because there is not a playlist open as the frontmost window.
Signed Average
Signed Min/Max
Accessory Pak functions to modify or enhance the selected audio.
Accessory Pak functions to modify or enhance the selected audio. Not available right now because there is no audio selection.
Send samples or receive samples with external Midi Sample Dump Standard, SMDI, or Ensoniq MIDI samplers.
Dynamic scrubbing at 10 milliseconds.
Dynamic scrubbing at 10 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 15 milliseconds.
Dynamic scrubbing at 15 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 25 milliseconds.
Dynamic scrubbing at 25 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 45 milliseconds. This is an ideal setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 45 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 60 milliseconds. This is an ideal setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 60 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 80 milliseconds. This is an ideal setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 80 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 150 milliseconds.
Dynamic scrubbing at 150 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 300 milliseconds.
Dynamic scrubbing at 300 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Dynamic scrubbing at 600 milliseconds.
Dynamic scrubbing at 600 milliseconds. This is the current setting.
Tape style scrubbing simulates the rocking of tape reels over the head of a tape recorder. The audio will play back at variable speeds using this option.
Tape style scrubbing simulates the rocking of tape reels over the head of a tape recorder. The audio will play back at variable speeds using this option. This is the current setting.
Invoke a third party plug-in on the selected audio. Plug-ins are placed into the Peak Plug-Ins Folder and register when Peak starts up.
Invoke a third party plug-in on the selected audio. Not available right now because there is no audio selected.
The Go To Menu allows you to navigate your view of the opened audio document to a specified time, loop, or marker. Tip: Hold down the Command key and click on the audio document window's titlebar to see a pop-up menu of all markers you can jump to
The Go To menu allows you to navigate your view of the opened audio document to a specified time, loop, or marker. Tip: Hold down the Command key and click on the audio document window's titlebar to see a pop-up menu of all markers you can jump to
Go To Selection Start sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the beginning of the audio document's selection.
Go To Selection Start sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the beginning of the audio document's selection. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no selection in the selected audio docume
Go To Selection End sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the end of the audio document's selection.
Go To Selection End sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the end of the audio document's selection. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no selection in the selected audio document.
Go To Loop Start sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the Loop Start marker.
Go To Loop Start sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the Loop Start marker. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no Loop Start marker in the selected audio document.
Go To Loop End sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the Loop End marker.
Go To Loop End sets the viewing location of the audio document to start at the Loop End marker. Not available right now because there is no audio document open or there is no Loop End marker in the selected audio document.
Go To Marker allows you to type the name of a specific marker location where you would like to view the audio document. Tip: Hold down the Command key and click on the audio document window's titlebar to see a pop-up menu of all markers you can ju
Go To Marker allows you to type the name of a specific marker location where you would like to view the audio document. Tip: Hold down the Command key and click on the audio document window's titlebar to see a pop-up menu of all markers you can jum
Go To Time allows you to enter a specific time location where you would like to view the audio document.
Go To Time allows you to enter a specific time location where you would like to view the audio document. Not available right now because there is no audio document open.
The Preferences Menu allows you to change general preferences for Peak‚Ñ¢ used for your audio documents, master playback volume, and envelopes.
The Colors dialog allows you to specify the colors Peak™ uses for background, waveform, markers, and loops.
Play Loop tells Peak™ to use the audio document's loop when playing.
Play Loop tells Peak™ to use the audio document's loop when playing. Not available right now because there is no loop in the selected audio document.
Peak can automatically scroll the window when the playback indicator moves off of the screen. This option allows you to more easily follow the visual audio waveform during playback. This option is currently turned off.
Peak can automatically scroll the window when the playback indicator moves off of the screen. This option allows you to more easily follow the visual audio waveform during playback. This option is currently turned on.
Peak can graphically mark the edited areas of your audio document using construction zone marks. This option is currently turned off.
Peak can graphically mark the edited areas of your audio document using construction zone marks. This option is currently turned on.
Peak can show an overview of the entire audio document in top of the window. This option is currently turned off.
Peak can show an overview of the entire audio document in top of the window. This option is currently not available because there is no audio document open.
Peak can show an overview of the entire audio document in top of the window. This option is currently turned on.
Peak uses temporary files for it's non-destructive editing. To select which disks attached to your system are used for temporary files, or to enable temporary files on network-mounted volumes, use this item.
Peak can automatically detect dual mono files named with .l or .r suffixes and intereleave them into a stereo audio document when opened. This option is currently turned off.
Peak can automatically detect dual mono files named with .l or .r suffixes and intereleave them into a stereo audio document when opened. This option is currently turned on.
Use the audio info item to set the audio document's MIDI keymap range, sample rate, or duration.
Use the audio info item to set the audio document's MIDI keymap range, sample rate, or duration. Not available right now because there is no audio document open.
Blending allows you to perform small user-definable crossfades on your editing boundaries, ensuring that you will not encounter pops and clicks from discontinuities. To specify blending settings, use this item. Blending can also be toggled on and
Auditioning allows you to specify how much postroll and preroll are used in auditioning and playback.
Fade In Envelope allows you to graphically edit the curve used by the Fade In DSP operation. If there is a selection in an open audio document on selecting this item, the selection will appear in the edit envelope dialog.
Fade Out Envelope allows you to graphically edit the curve used by the Fade Out DSP operation. If there is a selection in an open audio document on selecting this item, the selection will appear in the edit envelope dialog.
Premiere Envelope allows you graphically edit the curve controlling the amount of effect applied by a Plug-in to the selection. If there is a selection in an open audio document on selecting this item, the selection will appear in the edit envelope
Use this option to define special loop start or loop end offsets for your particular sampler.
Use this option to define special loop start or loop end offsets for your particular sampler. Not available right now because samplers are not supported in Peak LE.
Playback allows you to set the master volume and whether the spacebar plays from the insertion point or from the beginning of the audio document.
Choose this option to control the amount of memory plug-in modules can reserve.
Choose this option to set which keyboard characters are pressed to invoke a menu item in Peak.
The Regions Menu allows you to pick a region in the current audio document. If a playlist is open and the frontmost document, choosing a region in this menu will add the region to the playlist.
The Windows Menu allows you to pick window layouts and allows you to select a specific opened audio document.
The Transport Window allows you to control the playback and recording of audio documents and shows the playback time in the units chosen from the Units menu. The Transport is currently not open.
The Transport Window allows you to control the playback and recording of audio documents and shows the playback time in the units chosen from the Units menu. The Transport is currently visible.
The Playlist window allows you to sequence playlist regions of audio for playback with adjustable crossfades and DSP effects.
The Playlist window allows you to sequence playlist regions of audio for playback with adjustable crossfades and DSP effects. Not available right now because there is no playlist open. Use the New... submenu under the File menu to create a new play
Tile Windows arranges all of the open audio document windows onto your monitor with equal size windows.
Tile Windows arranges all of the open audio document windows onto your monitor with equal size windows. Not available right now because there are no open audio documents.
Stack Windows arranges all of the open audio document windows onto your monitor stacked diagonally.
Stack Windows arranges all of the open audio document windows onto your monitor stacked diagonally. Not available right now because there are no open audio documents.